Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sonic For Hire - The Battle: Part 02 (Sonic the Hedgehog Machinima)

Sonic For Hire - The Battle: Part 02 (Sonic the Hedgehog Machinima) Tube. 2.77 Mins. Click here to watch Sonic For Hire - The Battle: Part 01 (Sonic The Hedgehog Machinima) Sonic For Hire - The Battle: Part 02 (Sonic the Hedgehog Machinima) SEASON 2 FINALE!! Sonic is washed up and out of work. He needs cash fast and will do anything to pay the rent DIRECTOR'S CHANNEL: Follow LowBrow Everywhere! Website Twitter http Facebook - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Like Machinima on Facebook! Prove your gaming skills on the Respawn Army app FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: TAGS: Sonic For Hire the Hedgehog yt:quality=high machinima gameplay commentary retro sonic hedgehog miles prower tails lives robotnik dr eggman rings extra life game play mega drive sega knuckles Paperboy Punch Drunk toe jam and earl toejam 90s Metriod how to genesis Kirby nes nintendo entertainment system famicom Tetris ExciteBike Season 02 Promo PacMan Bomberman Mortal Kombat 8-bit animation Angry Birds mobile iphone ipod physics Donkey Kong Country

Tags: Sonic, For, Hire, the, Hedgehog, yt:quality=high, machinima, gameplay, commentary, retro, miles, prower, tails, lives, robotnik, dr, eggman, rings, extra, life, game, play, mega, drive, sega, knuckles, Paperboy, Punch, Drunk, toe, jam, and, earl, toejam, 90s, Metriod, how, to, genesis, Kirby, nes, nintendo, entertainment, system, famicom, Tetris, excitebike, Season, 02, Promo, pacman, Bomberman, Mortal, Kombat, 8-bit, animation, Angry, Birds, mobile, iphone, ipod, physics, Donkey, Kong, Country

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